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To Peek or Not to Peek

March 22, 2010

“Is it a boy or a girl?”

Everyone’s asking and everyone has an opinion–my mom is certain it’s a boy, while my BeingSuper Baby Poll shows the girls have it. What’s odd though, is that most everybody expects us to find out the baby’s gender.

This time around though, we’re on the fence.

A few weeks ago, we cheated…sort of.  Brent and I were at a charity event and decided to throw a little money at a good cause and see what a psychic reading could tell us. Our for-charity-psychic did a Tarot card reading where she immediately pulled The Empress–most known for Mothering, Fertility, Sexuality and Abundance–and detected a strong female presence.

Now this could be because Brent is constantly surrounded by pushy women, or that I’m actually having a girl. Then again, the psychic did disclaim that determining gender was not one of her strong suits and that it was a 50/50 shot.

Um…thanks, I think.

But let’s look at this logically. There are lots of good reasons to find out:

  • We can plan, finalize a name, design the nursery etc.
  • It will make my 90-year-old Nana happy; she is fearful that she will die before the baby is born.
  • Our friends and family can start the indulgent baby shopping/showering process. C’mon, who doesn’t love that?

On the other hand, there are lots of good reasons for NOT finding out:

  • It will drive my mother completely crazy

And, as if that weren’t reason enough…

  • We’ll get to relish in one of the few REAL surprises life gives you

And so the answer is…we just don’t know yet.

But I think I may need to give my Nana a reason to live.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. March 23, 2010 4:30 pm

    Oh gosh, I couldn’t stand to wait when I was pregnant 🙂 Everyone was like, don’t you want to be surprised? But, we were still surprised, just earlier on in the game. I can see the fun in waiting, I’m just not patient enough for that myself!

  2. Tara permalink
    March 25, 2010 10:51 am

    OK so I always thought people that waited to find out the sex of their babies were nuts. I do not have the patience for that at all….. BUT my sister Tamra just had her last baby and they didn’t find out the sex. I have to say that the delivery was so awesome because not only was a new life coming into the world, the surprise made things so much more exciting and really did have all of us waiting with baited breath!! There are plenty of unisex decorations and clothes, and pick two names! Don’t let those things be a factor! Nana, however, I can’t argue with. BUT my vote is to NOT find out. 🙂 Much love Kris!

  3. Becca permalink
    March 25, 2010 2:26 pm

    I say be patient. Wait. It’ll make D-day that much more exciting! Aimee Jo and Jason waited and she just picked 2 sets of bedding and then went with the one that worked after baby was born. If I ever have another, I think I’ll wait. Just because I’ve experienced knowing already. You know change things up a bit.

  4. Tara permalink
    March 25, 2010 4:17 pm

    I heard a stand-up comedian say it like this: (Or something close anyway) Waiting to see what the sex of your baby is is NOT a surprise. Its a 50/50 shot and either a girl or a boy. Now if it was a DOG – THAT would be a surprise! 🙂

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